Our Services

Lowest selling charges. Best Results.


On arrival of your wool in our store it is personally assessed by a professional Wool Buyer, in consultation with you, for the best way to market and sell.

Scanlan Wool offer a flat rate selling charge for your wool.

Certified AWTA Core Test results are available within 24 hours of your wool arriving at our wool store. Your wool is then able to be showcased every working day from our onsite show floor. We talk daily to exporters, in turn offering you their best prices on the day. We take advantage of a rising or falling market and have the full support of leading wool-buying houses, giving you the opportunity to accept or reject the offered price. Reserves can be made as not every market covers all your clip on a given day .

Our premises can accept all truck types and sizes and we can also offer you a price on untested wool for immediate payment.

Scanlan Wool promises, to you:

  • No bulk class charges

  • No interlotting charges

  • No overweight charges

  • Payment made within 14 days

  • All wool is sold under the recommended conditions of the Private Treaty Wool Merchants of Australia Inc.

Price on Farm

We can price your wool on the sheep’s back, at your farm. Calculated on the previous year average results for Fleece / Pieces / Bellies and adjusted for micron / yield and NKT on final testing. Call or email for a price on your wool, with delivery at any time convenient to you.

Hobby Farmers

Simply put, wool is bought over the scales, of any type or quantity, with payment made on the spot. Drop in for a cuppa and sell your wool.

Exotic Wools

We will offer you a price based on our extensive search to find homes and users of these wools. We will treat your exotic wool with care. Having capacity to market these wools at what they deserve is often disappointing, due to lack of commercial quantities.

Direct to Mill

Scanlan Wool have various supply contracts with leading vertical (greasy to garment) mills overseas. Traceability is a passion of ours at Scanlan Wool and we can offer opportunities for dedicated woolgrowers wanting to follow their hard work through to garment stage.

Shed Clean-Ups

Contact one of our local representatives to come out and price your ‘left overs’ for immediate payment.

Proudly WA Wool